初めて変拍子を使用してみました(*´-`)よろしければお聴き下さいm(_ _)m HometownDo people in ancient times think this is a good future?It has been made alive in search of truth for centuries To build a promised world The real hometown that l arrived after traveling all the wayIn this place we will al... 続きを見る
引き続き古いアイルランド民謡からイメージしました(^。^)よろしければお聴き下さいm(._.)m Morning has broken Like the first morning Blackbird has spoken Like the first bird Praise for the singing Praise for the morning Praise for the springing Fresh from the world Lyrics アイルランド民謡より 続きを見る
アイルランド民謡をベースにイメージしました(´-`).。oOよろしければお聴き下さいm(_ _)m Our soldiers, this life dedicated to lreland I’m over the rough waves pledge to freedom I don’t need a tyrant in the land of my ancestors Tonight,we will risk it Both sadness and happiness for lreland Cannon r... 続きを見る